Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Fence! The Fence! The Fence!

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Sign petitions, and by all means, encourage entities, people, officials who are standing up for your rights and making a difference.

Remember what happens when good people do nothing?

It happened. We're going down as I wrote in my last column, so what have you got to lose besides your integrity? Your possessions? Your personal property? What are you waiting for?

I get petitions all the time to sign and almost all of them are from legitimate, worthy entities. In the past I said, “Ah, no, I can’t do this. Someone’s going to take down my name and I’ll get put on a list.”

In a word, tough. I’ve signed and it hasn’t happened and if it does, fine. That fence too many of us have been straddling for too many years has decayed and is crumbling. If anyone thinks that hiding under their bed will make them safe, the bed will someday be gone, too. Sooner, than later, I believe.

There are organizations like Florida Family Association – one of many – who have either filed suit, protested, contacted sponsors of TV shows such as Family Guy (an anti-Christian TV show), or Craig’s List, which has sponsored “escort services”, and have gotten things done, in the name of moral, Christian, American, righteous values.

Support these organizations, even if you just sign a petition. I know you believe in what they’re doing. And use your real name and email address. THAT’S what you can do. But for the sake of what you hold dear, please do something!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Bad Thoughts, Good Eyeglasses

America is failing, because it’s so diluted, it’s hamstrung.

Try and do anything. Get a job. Function. Write. Succeed. THINK. There’s probably a law against it.

We’re not going to change it, even though our complacency and inertia are totally to blame. But unless you get up and do something about it, that’s America’s Destiny.

I believe we’re not a player in these End Times. It’s the End of the Age. And, unfortunately, we are going to be wiped out.

We’ll still be around, but not as the America in which we grew up. The Baby Boomers. Hula hoops, rock ‘n roll, post WWII prosperity. Foolish. Ask the Greatest Generation.

There has been another force at work that successfully, and surgically undermined all that was good about America. That force was described by the Prophets, going back to Isaiah and of course, the Book of Daniel.

We are “The Young Lions” the bible speaks of – tall, proud, smooth-skinned people feared by all the nations. They shall be drunk and transfixed by our wine of economics and prosperity; a modern day Babylon if you study the scriptures.

But we will fall to Rome. And it will be at the hands of the Muslim henchmen and Russia. And economically, China – the country that will send an army of 200 million towards Israel (John, Isle of Patmos, Divine Revelation) and their ultimate destiny: the Valley of Meggido.

The Seven Hills upon which Rome is built (I’ve seen them and have photographed them personally) will rule the nations. There is no doubt – it’s God’s perfect number.

We will not save America. For those of you who have had those thoughts, and are people of God who stand on His Righteousness (US Cong. Rep. Mark Kirk, who is a shining star but will not rise), remember the Bible says that the Gentiles will dominate Israel for a short time. In that time, the victory is wholly theirs.

Why? Because the Victory is wholly God’s, not man’s. It’s a matter of Pride. As good as we think we are, as Godly, as Right, we will not win. I believe we will be raptured out (Rev. 3:10) and saved from the time of Jacob’s Trouble. I don’t believe we will be “taken through”. The language of the Bible denies this (“ek” vs. “dia”).

But while we are here we are to tell the message of the Good News. In fact, it is our Commission. It is the ultimate best we can do. But we will not win, though God will win and bring millions of His saints back to Earth, wave after wave, succeeding the Bridal Feast. Meanwhile all Hell breaks loose on the Late Great Planet Earth. We will gladly clean up, having suffered the fools who would not turn. We will have the skills and the muscle, both dead and alive, courtesy of Christ the King who shall return on a snow white steed, with a double-edged sword in his mouth and his name written upon his thigh. And what a thousand years it will be!

Stay tuned.

PS Happy Birthday Frank Capra, and Happy 101, Jimmy Stewart, this Wednesday.