when i woke up yesterday, i thought i'd seen the dream i had on you tube or the news.
but that'd have been impossible.
eagles came through a big city. lots of them. i saw, vividly, and with full recollection, a large american bald eagle land on a man's lap - he was like a worker, downtown, on lunch break.
the man was petting the eagle, plus, he was holding his cell phone in his other hand. that arm was extended - he was taking a live picture/vid and showing it to his wife.
now that's a dream! not gonna see that on cnn or fox or anywhere short of hollywood.
but why did i see eagles in this bonified dream? i don't know.
i can only remember tolkien, when merry, i think, gets trounced by the nazgul's flying steed (forgot what they're called) and he hears, "the eagles are coming"! same with frodo and sam, when they're sitting on a hill outside mt. doom, with lava rising, at the end of all things and as they are about to pass out, the eagles come and swoop them off to the safety of a victorious gondor.
and the lord says in isaiah, "young men shall see visions, and old men dreams." i'm not young, and that was my dream.
Clip art copyrighted by Bobbie Peachey,