One graduating 18-yr. old senior – prime ingredient, receptor of the above steak.
One Saratoga steak about an inch thick, on sale at the Jewel today, $6.99/lb.
Oil the grill grate w/peanut oil (I put some oil on a paper towel and rubbed it all over the grate). Pre-heat the grill and prepare the meat while the grill is heating.
Rinse the steak in cold water, dry with a paper towel, put it on a large dinner plate.
Into the little grinder: 8 peppercorns, tsp. oregano, tsp. minced garlic, tsp. minced onion.
Make small cuts with a kitchen knife on both sides of the steak. In a few of the cuts, only on one side, insert a bit of Earth Balance Spread.
Rub both sides of the steak with ground herbs.
Put the steak on the preheated grill and cook to whatever “doneness” suits your fancy – we like medium.
While steak is grilling, boil some asparagus and then add corn to the boiling water just before asparagus is tender.
I’d bought two potato pancakes at the Polish Deli this afternoon. Gobbled one up when I got home, placed the other one on the Grad’s dinner plate.
I’m into antipasto and I like artichokes, dill pickles, olives – I added a large artichoke heart to each of our plates. Also a few small organic carrots.
The Grad and I reminisced and argued about whether I shot video or still pictures the day he started high school.
I didn't bring it up, but I remember every inch of the video tape I shot when he started Pre-K3.
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